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Virtual Your Grandma, My Grandma

CSI Annex, Ontario

In the Your Grandma & My Grandma Workshop participants will:

  • Address ways to facilitate parents sharing childhood rhymes and stories.
  • Find ways to work with many languages and cultures in our groups.
  • Draw from these experiences to deepen their practice of storytelling with families.
  • Have access to new stories and rhymes to use.
  • Find ways to invite and include all participants and their stories.
  • Explore oral material from your own background to use in your program.

Participants will receive articles and ideas on the importance of the Mother Tongue and the use of storytelling in connecting cultures.

The cost includes a copy of Bounce Me, Tickle Me, Hug Me; Lap Rhymes, and Play Rhymes from Around the World; Thirty Rhymes, each in its original language with a lively English adaptation.

 Facilitator: Ruth Danziger

Cost per person:

Teacher Training Workshop (Two days in person or four half days virtually)
Fee: $365

Level Two Workshop (One day in person or two half days virtually)
Fee: $200

Participant Cancellation Policy: Please note that the deadline for cancellations is two weeks prior to the workshop date. Cancellations received after this deadline will be subject to a cancellation charge of 50% of the workshop fee. In the event that the workshop is canceled by the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program, you will receive a full refund.

For more information contact

Location of Toronto Workshops:

Centre for Social Innovation 720 Bathurst St., Toronto, ON M5S 2R4 OR virtually on Zoom.


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Agency Information

Is your agency currently running a PCMG Program?

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In case of Credit Card

Parent-Child Mother Goose