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Virtual Teacher-Training Workshop-Kamloops-BC-February 18, 20, 25, 27th, 2025

Other Region Workshop

Parent-Child Mother Goose Program®
Teacher Training Workshop

What is it?

The Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® is for infants, young children and their parent or parents (or grandparent, aunt, etc.) to attend together. It focuses on the power and pleasure of the playful interactive use of songs, stories and rhymes.

What are the benefits?
The program is known for its contribution to the relationship between parent and child, for development of ability and confidence of both the child and the parent, and for connections made amongst participants.

This workshop

Provides resources

Prepares participants to teach in a P-CMGP

Increases skill and confidence to use songs, rhymes and stories with parents, infants and children

Explores practices to enhance the relationship between parents and their children

Trainer: This workshop will be facilitated by Maureen Doll. She is a program teacher and teacher trainer.


An attendance certificate is provided for attending the full workshop

16 hours of registration of certification is accredited to participants.

Please note: The P-CMGP® needs to be lead by 2 trained teachers

Times: February 18, 20, 25, 27th, 2025, from 6:00 – 9:00pm

Where: Virtual learning opportunity offered through Zoom. Participation is required, so please make sure you have a stable internet connection with working video, in a quiet room with limited distractions.

Cost: $275.00

Registration: Please call (250) 376-4771 for registration and payment

** Please note – refunds will not be permitted within one week of the workshop start date.

Cost per person:

Four Days Teacher Training Workshop 

Fee: $275

Registration: Please call (250) 376-4771 for registration and payment ** Please note – refunds will not be permitted within one week of the workshop start date.

For more information contact

Location of OTHER REGION Workshops:

Virtual Workshop offered through Zoom

Parent-Child Mother Goose